Poems Thought of the Week: 14 December 2020 by Editore S|Published 14 December 2020 Be attentive with your whole being of what Is. You will understand what your purpose is, what are you here for; it will give you an incredible joy that cannot be brought down. Sheikh Burhanuddinย
Published 29 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Wednesday 29th April Life is always right. So whatever happens is always good because it invites you to see. The only responsible is you, it […]
Published 14 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Tuesday 14th April Whenever we poison the moment with the worry about our life, the doubt about the intelligence of Existence, its Love, its supreme […]
Published 24 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Friday 24th April There is only one relationship that we all have to find, the one towards our own self. SB
Published 10 September 2020 If you keep If you keep breaking other’s people hearts, whatever religious duty you perform is for no use. Shams Tabrizi