Poems When you do things by Editore S|Published 22 December 2014 When you do things from your Soul, a river moves through you. Freshness and a deep joy are the signs. Rumi
Published 22 January 2017 Expose yourself Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are […]
Published 5 January 2021 La ilaha illa Llah ‘La ilaha illa Llah’ ย is like a rope you throw in the Unseen. Existence itself will grab it, and pull you over. […]
Published 2 June 2020 Thought of the Day: Tuesday 2nd June Your reality is found on the zero point, the neutral axis, where you are free from good and free from evil.ย SB
Published 11 August 2020 Thought of the Week: 10th August Why Joy is so important? Because it opens up your higher intelligence. Sheikh Burnanuddin Herrmann