News The next Seminar, 7-10 March 2019, Amelia by Editore S|Published 25 January 2019 S U F I I N T E N S I V E with Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann 7-10 MARCH 2019 Casa Rabbani, Amelia (TERNI) – ITALY You have to do it. At least once in your life, pay a visit to your heart. If you do it many times, you rise up in level. If you can do it every day, you will live a life of the heart. If you want to pay a visit to yourself, to your real self, let the Divine flood your mind and your heart all the time. Everything else is useless and generates suffering, because it is not real. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann Info and Bookings:
Published 12 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Sunday 12 April In the Tradition we say that the dervish fights his own ego, only the silly one fights other’s ego. Sheikh Burhanuddin
Published 23 May 2021 All the pains The first thing we have to do is to embrace all the pains in our lives. This is the only way to […]
Published 16 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Friday 17th April Make the best out of whatever is there. You always have this choice. SB
Published 23 March 2014 Maulana “This tiny man has the heart light as a rose petal…. and when he passes by you feel a delicate breeze that shakes […]