Then we go through the roles, there are 4 main types, 4 chapters of roles, because it is very fundamentals the role we play. You have different roles with different people, or situations. You have a role when you enter at home, you have a role when you get out […]
What is the Uwaysi System? (and what is the meaning of the prayer?) The purpose here, in this life is that you learn to know yourself. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: who knows himself, knows His Lord. And this is how it works. So knowing […]
Taken from a long interview published on FENIX magazine, n.96, 2016: Mikaela Zanzi: An inner way that brings man closer to the Divine. This means looking at yourself and the world from another perspective. Which? Sheikh Burhanuddin.:«In life it is important to find a hierarchy. God is in first place, […]
11) The awareness of the heart (wuquf Qalbi) In this last principle is reached ‘the awareness that reality is only in the heart”. To understanding this it means to hold the keys of the universe. It is the stage of kun faya kun, “Be and it is”: in the heart […]
“I like to introduce you a new powerful meditation. It belongs to our tradition. The meditation I showed you some time ago (see Post: THE DATE) is always valid but this last one is stronger in the process of de-hypnotizing yourself from the identification with your emotions, with the roles […]
10) The awareness of the numbers (wuquf ‘Adadi) The principle indicates the observance of the exact number of repetitions of the dhikr as it is assigned by the master. Shah Bahauddin Naqshband (his secret be sanctified) said: “The observance of the numbers in the dhikr is the first step towards […]
9) The awareness of time (wuquf Zamani) It means “being present, attentive to the changing of your own mental states over time”. This principle expresses the power of being. From this state you can travel through time or out of it, fold it and unfold it to your liking. It […]
Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti delivered his last sermon 40 days before departing from this world (1233 A.D.) “Love all and hate none. Mere talk of peace will avail you naught. Mere talk of Allah and religion will not take you far. Bring out all the latent powers of your being […]
8) The recollection (Yad Dasht) The “recollection” means: continuous remembrance, to keep your heart in the divine presence, closer to the Truth. It is the contemplation, the constant awareness at the divine presence. The observance of the last five principles of our order opens the connection to the world of […]
7) The attention (Nigah Dasht) Nigah means “view”, “attention”. This principle is the invitation to be vigilant and to observe one’s heart and safeguard it from being occupied by harmful thoughts. It means being aware of the direction that your attention follows, in the moment, and without judgments to invite […]
‘Return’ means ‘the return to Allah”,”to recognize the divine uniqueness”. The ego continually seeks satisfaction in doing; it must always have new ideas, new programs, the next step to do. At the stage of “return”, the dervish finds out that there is nothing in reality that he can do and […]
5) The essential remembrance ( “Yad kard“) The meaning of Yad is dhikr, remembrance. Kard is the essence of dhikr. It means focusing on the divine presence. It’s not you doing the act of remembering, it is the Presence in you that emerges, when you put yourself aside. The most used Dhikr by […]
4) The loneliness in the crowd (Khalwat dar Anjuman) Khalwat means ‘retreat’. Tradition says that perfection is not to show miraculous powers but it is to sit in the midst of others, sell and buy, marry and have children, without ever leave, even for a moment, the divine presence. Here […]
3) The inner journey (Safar dar watan) It means “to travel towards your homeland”. In Persian and Arabic Safar means “journey”. In the tradition we call everyone sàfari, “travelers”, as the common destination of our journey through life is to return home. It is not an evolution toward something but […]
2) Observe your own step (Nazar bar qadam) It means keeping the eyes lowered while walking, be careful with every step that you do. It also means to be present and to recognize when is the right moment to act. It is not easy to observe this principle, but succeeding […]
Among the eleven principles that guide the Naqshbandi dervish toward his spiritual realization, eight were coined by Khwaja ‘Abdul Khaliq al-Gujdawani (d. 1220). The last three principles were added by the great master Shah Bahauddin Naqshbandi (1318-1389). 1) Awareness of the breath (“Hosh dar dam“) Hosh in Persian means “mind”, […]
Al-Latif The Subtle One Exalted and Glorious No vision can grasp Him, but He grasps all vision. He is Al-Latif, the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things. (6:103) Certainly, my Lord is the Most Courteous and Kind unto whom He wills. (12:100) Verily, Allah is Subtle (understands the […]
Al-Fattah The Opener Exalted and Glorious Our Lord! Reveal (open) the truth between us and our people, and You are the Best of those who give judgment. (7:89) He will decide between us with the truth. And He is the Opener (of the truth), the All-Knower of the true state of […]
Al-Qahhar The Dominant Exalted and Glorious Are many Lords differing among themselves better, or Allah the One, Supreme, and Irresistible? (12:39) Say: “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme, the Irresistible.” (13:16) They will appear before Allah, the One, the Irresistible. (14:48) Say: […]
Al-Bari’ Exalted and Glorious So turn in repentance to your maker. (2:54) Truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him. (6:19) Verily, I have turned my face toward Him Who has created the heavens and the earth, and I am not of those who give partners […]