RAMADAN 1446 Ramadan Mubarak! One of the holiest months of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan the Generous, will start today 10th March after sunset. In the old times, the beginning was decided on viewing the new moon, but nowadays the tendency is to rely on precise scientific calculations. It is advisable […]
The three most sacred months of the Islamic year are Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadan. Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is the month of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, Ramadan is the month of the jamaad, the community, and we try as much as possible to […]
The holy month of Rajab is the first of the three sacred months of the Islamic calendar followed then by Sha’ban and Ramadan. The month of Rajab is a month of forgiveness and fasting, a month that is likened, in a hadith to winds that bring clouds, while Sha’aban is […]
Innercraft Podcast 🔘Knowing Yourself to be Free🔘 Knowing ourselves is the reason why we are here on Earth, and this is our first and main duty; to see the hindrance of our mechanical personality, the sequel of the idealized images we create of ourselves. Only then we can liberate the […]
Always hate what is wrong, but do not hate the one who errs. Hate sin with all your heart, but forgive and have mercy on the sinner. Criticize speech, but respect the speaker. Our job is to wipe out the disease, not the patient. Imam Al Shafi’i
This world is like a mountain. Your echo depends on you. If you scream good things, the world will give it back. If you scream bad things, the world will give it back. Even if someone says badly about you, speak well about him. Change your heart to change the […]
No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us. So […]
You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe, because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for Him: in the heart of a […]
When everyone is trying to be something, be nothing. Range with emptiness. Human should be like a pot. As the pot is hold by its emptiness inside, human is hold by the awareness of his nothingness. Shams Tabrizi
To get closer to Truth and Right, we need a beautiful and soft heart. Every human learns one day or another to become softer. Some accidentally, some because of disease, some suffer from human loss, some other from material loss … We all face these situations, but we can either […]
Guard your heart from heedlessness, protect your lower self from desires, guard your intellect from ignorance, and you will be admitted into the company of the vigilant. It is a duty for everyone to seek knowledge; that is, knowledge of yourself. Al Sadiq
A life without love is of no account. Don’t ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritual or material, divine or mundane, eastern or western… divisions only lead to more divisions. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the […]
(see also Post: THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADAN) Laylatul Qadr In the last decade of Ramadan we celebrated the night of Laylatul Qadr, the most important night of the Islamic calendar, the Night of Destiny (literally the night of honor and nobility, predestination, closeness) of spiritual bliss, the powerful all-night […]
We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. Swami Vivekananda
Don’t search for Heaven and Hell in the future. Both are now present. Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in Heaven. Whenever we fight, hate, we are in Hell. Shams Tabrizi
The past is an interpretation. The future is an illusion. The world does not more through time as if it were a straight line, proceeding from the past to the future. Instead time moves through and within us, in endless spirals. Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. […]
Body is purified by water, self (nafs) is purified by tears, intellect is purified by knowledge, and the soul with love. Imam Ali (as)