SUFI INTENSIVE – LIVE – con Sheikh Burhanuddin 8-10 Ottobre 2021 Albenga Accendi la fiamma della tua vita. Trova coloro che soffiano su quel fuoco. Rumi Un Incontro Intensivo dal vivo, per stringerci intorno al nostro Sheikh, e lavorare con gioia, amore e determinazione su noi stessi per entrare nelle […]
The holy month of Safar just started today 8th September. The second month of the islamic lunar year after Muharram is named Safar. Safar is the most intense, difficult month in which the tests increase, but also the divine support to overcome them successfully is coming. InshaAllah. ‘Safar’ in Arabic […]
2 SUMMER SUFI MASTER COURSE – dal vivo – con Sheikh Burhanuddin 10-11-12 Settembre 2021 Albenga (Italy) **** Scadenza TASSATIVA per le prenotazioni (via bonifico come da dettagli su richiesta) **** ⇒ 8 AGOSTO ⇐ *** Le prenotazioni pervenute oltre questa data non potranno essere accettate *** Un Intensivo dal […]
⇒ YOUTUBE CHANNEL a new Video every Monday: ⇒ TELEGRAM CHANNEL with updates in real time: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN ******* DERVISH TRAINING 11 – A Rose is a Rose, is a Rose, is a Rose – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin Sunday 20 June 7.00-8.30 p.m. (CET) “What is Forgiveness? […]
Just do one thing: Stop talking to yourself. Another self will start to sing. You will see that so many songs are inside of you, waiting to be born. from: DERVISH TRAINING 9 – The One Step Journey, Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin, Sunday 23 May
The first thing we have to do is to embrace all the pains in our lives. This is the only way to deal with them. Because when you embrace the pain, there is no limit any more. This is what your arms are for. In everyone’s arms fits another human […]
SUMMER SUFI MASTER COURSE – dal vivo – con Sheikh Burhanuddin 9-10-11 Luglio 2021 Imperia (Porto Maurizio) Un Intensivo dal vivo, il primo dopo tanto tempo, per ritrovarci finalmente tutti insieme, per stringerci intorno al nostro Sheikh, riabbracciare gli amici vecchi e nuovi, e lavorare con gioia, amore e determinazione […]
Online-Seminar auf DEUTSCH Nr. 1 – Die Neue Serie auf Deutsch – mit Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann Sonntag 16 Mai 2021 17:30-19:00 Uhr Wenn Ihr Euch in der Deutschen Mailing-Liste anmelden wollt, um Informationen über die Online-Treffen auf Deutsch (und Live-Seminare in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz) zu erhalten, dann schreibt […]
Try an experiment: next time you meet a person, whoever, the baker or anyone, expect something, some wisdom, something beautiful to come out of him for you. Try it out, you will have a magic experience. From: Sheikh Burhanuddin, Webinar DERVISH TRAINING 8, Ramadan Special Edition 3, 9th May
⇒ YOUTUBE CHANNEL a new Video every Monday: ⇒ TELEGRAM CHANNEL with updates in real time: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN ******* DERVISH TRAINING 6 – Ramadan Special Edition – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin Sunday 18 April 6.00-7.30 pm (CET) There’s a hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness. We are lutes, […]
⇒ YOUTUBE CHANNEL a new Video every Monday: ******* ⇒ TELEGRAM CHANNEL with updates in real time: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN ******* DERVISH TRAINING 5 – Write your Life as a Poem – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin Sunday 11 April 6.00-7.30 pm (CET) “God said, I am made whole […] Sheikh Burhanuddin’s detailed instructions about how to spend this magic night, tomorrow.
The Night of Bara`ah (nisf Sha`ban) “Laylatul-bara’ah” is another significant feature of the month of Sha`ban, known as “the night of freedom from Fire”. It is occurring between the 14th and 15th day of Sha`ban. Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saws), prove that it is a meritorious night in which the people of […]
Love is the Answer to all questions. Love is the solution to all problems. From: Dervish Training 3 – The Mystic Approach 21 March 2021 S. Burhanuddin
Sometimes you are afraid that nobody can really love you. It is just a reflection: you do not love anybody. You forget everybody. And then you sit there and you feel very lonely. All is a reflection: whatever is your fear, it is a reflection of what you are not […]
DO YOU LIKE TO JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL to be updated in real time about our activities? (for mobile and computer) just click: SUFIWAY – S. BURHANUDDIN WELCOME! ******* DERVISH TRAINING 1 – Loving Hearts in Action – Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin 21 February, 5.00-6.30 pm (CET) * DERVISH […]
SUFI SINGING CIRCLE with Sheikh Burhanuddin A regular Meeting on Zoom every two weeks 1st Meeting Sunday 7 March at 6.00-7.30 pm (CET) Singing is a way to purify yourselves; because when you sing, you cannot think. You are in joy. You are joy.The singing makes you happy, and you […]