Nasrudin: “My son, get up early in the mornings.” “Why father?” “It is a good habit. Why, once I rose at dawn and went for a walk. I found on the road a sack of gold.” “How did you know it was not lost the previous night?” “That is not […]
Mullah Nasruddin
Once a renowned philosopher and moralist was traveling through Nasruddin’s village when he asked him where there was a good place to eat. He suggested a place and the scholar, hungry for conversation, invited Mullah Nasruddin to join him. Much obliged, Mullah Nasruddin accompanied the scholar to a nearby restaurant, […]
Nasruddin went to a Turkish bath. As he was poorly dressed the attendants treated him in a casual manner, gave him only a scrap of soap and an old towel. When he left, Nasrudin gave the two men a gold coin each. He had not complained, and they could not […]
Mulla Nasruddin went for his first appointment with the psychiatrist. Once the office door was closed, the two men sat down. “So, what brings you here, Mulla?” the psychiatrist asked. “I have been doing shady things,” Mulla said. “Dishonorable things. My conscience is bothering me.” “So you want me […]
The King and Nasrudin were in a foreign town. “Nasruddin” said the king, “let us stroll incognito in the city streets and see how it is like.” Nasrudin readily agreed and they went. People did not recognize the King in his disguise, and paid him no attention but many smiled at […]
Mulla Nasrudin’s father was the highly-respected keeper of a shrine, the burial-place of a great master which was a place of pligrimage attracting the Seekers After Truth. In the usual course of events, Nasrudin could be expected to inherit this position. But soon after his fifteenth year, when he was […]
Every first of the month the Mullah would cross the border with thirty donkeys with two bails of straw on each. Each time the custom person would ask the Mullah’s profession and the Mullah would reply, “I am an honest smuggler.” So each time The Mullah, his donkeys and the […]
Once Mullah Nasruddin was shopping in a village. He left his donkey on the street and went into a shop to purchase something. When he came out he was furious. Someone has painted his donkey completely red, bright red. So he was furious and he inquired, “Who has done this? […]
The Judge asked the defendant, “Mullah Nasruddin, do you understand that you have sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” “I do,” nodded the Mulla. “Now what do you have to say to defend yourself?” “Your Honor,‘ replied Nasrudin: ‘under those limitations … […]
Hodja was sitting by the river, enjoying a pot of halwa, when a horde of mounted archers thundered onto the other bank in a cloud of dust. One of Timur’s captains, who led the pack shouted, “Ho! Stranger! How do we get to the other side?” To this Nasreddin hollered […]
One day Mulla Nasruddin went to the market and bought a fine piece of meat. On the way home he met a friend who gave him a special recipe for the meat. Mullah Nasruddin was very happy. But then, before he got home, a large crow stole the meat from […]
One day Mulla Nasruddin went to market to buy new clothes. First he tested a pair of trousers. He didn’t like the trousers and he gave back them to the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe which had same price as the trousers. Mulla Nasruddin was pleased with the robe […]