Mulla Nasrudin thought he was going to die with a toothache. He asked his friend, “What can I do to relieve the pain?” “I will tell you what I do,” his friend said. “When I have a toothache, or a pain, I go over to my wife, and she puts […]
Mullah Nasruddin
Mullah Nasrudin called on a psychiatrist and told him that he had problems and needed help. “I want to talk to you,” said the Mullah, “because my ethics have not been what they should be and my conscience is bothering me.” “I understand,” the psychiatrist said, “and you want me […]
Nasrudin bought a heavy item from the bazaar. He turned to a porter and said, “Take this to my house.” The porter inquired, “OK-where is it?” “Are you crazy?” Nasrudin replied. “I don’t know you; you might be a criminal for all I know-I would be foolish to tell you […]
A King was visiting Nasrudin’s town, and ate a meal of sheep meat in his restaurant. When the King finished the meal, he asked Nasrudin how much to pay. “Fifty dollars,” Nasrudin confidently responded. Surprised to hear such a high figure, the King said, “Wow, that is very expensive. Are […]
Nasrudin was in the marketplace listening to a horse dealer’s sales pitch. “This is the most exquisite horse in this village,” the seller exclaimed. “It is lighting fast and never gets tired. In fact, if you left this village right now, you would get to Samarkand at five a.m. in […]
Mulla Nasrudin had just been visiting another village. Late night when he arrived home then he realized that he had lost his favorite copy of the Qur’an. Several days later, a goat walked up to the Nasrudin house, carrying the Qur’an in its mouth. Nasrudin couldn’t believe his eyes. He […]
One day Nasrudin bumped into another man, sending them both to the ground. “Oh, excuse me,” Nasrudin said. “Are you me, or am I you?” “I am me,” the man said, “and as for you, you must be some kind of psycho, asking me such a question.” “Oh, I am […]
Nasrudin was running and singing at the same time. As he passed by several people, one of them, greatly curious about Nasrudin’s rather bizarre behavior, decided to run after him and ask him about it. Nasrudin, however, did not seem to notice, and continued his singing jog as the other […]
One day, Nasrudin went to the local doctor and told him, “Every night for the past month and a half, I have dreamt dreams in which I have wrestling matches with donkeys.” The doctor gave Nasrudin an herb and said, “Eat this, and your dreams will go away.” “Can I […]
Nasrudin talking to a cobbler who told the following riddle: “There is a person who is my father’s son, but he is not my brother. Who is he?” After a while, Nasrudin said, “I don’t know. Who?” “Me,” the cobbler replied. Greatly amused, Nasrudin went to a group of people […]
Nasrudin was hanging a painting in his room. As he hammered the nail, he accidentally hit too hard, and made a big hole in his wall. He looked through it and saw goats on the other side, but did not realize that he was looking into his neighbor’s yard. Nasrudin […]
One day, a man came up Nasrudin, and they began to discuss a variety of matters, including local gossip, personal issues, their families, businesses, and philosophy topics. After about one hour, the man said, “I must go now.” “Excuse me friend,” replied Nasrudin, “but who are you?” “What do you […]
Nasrudin heard a knock at his door one night. He opened the door, and the man standing there said, “Mullah, can you help a brother out and provided me with some shelter for the night. I am God’s nephew.” “Oh, is that so?” asked Nasrudin. “It surely is,” the man […]
–Mullah! What do they do with the old full moons? They cut them up into small pieces and make the stars.
While Nasrudin was staying in another town, a local man asked him what three times two was. “Four,” Nasrudin replied. “You are wrong,” the man said. “The answer is six.” “Actually,” explained Nasrudin, “I am not wrong. We use different type of math where I am from.”
A man noticed Nasrudin digging a hole, and asked him about it. The reply was, “I buried something in this field last month, and I’ve been trying to find it all morning.” “Well,” said the other, “did you have some kind of marking system for it.” Nasrudin said, “Of course […]
A local man was proclaiming that no one could trick him. Nasrudin heard this, and said to him one day, “Just wait here for a while, and I’ll figure out how to trick you.”The man waited and waited and waited. A merchant from a cross the street noticed him, and […]
The village mayor wrote a poem and read it to Nasrudin. “Did you like the poem?” he asked. “No, not really,” Nasrudin replied, “it wasn’t very good.” The mayor was enraged, and he sentenced Nasrudin to three days in jail. The next week, the mayor called Nasrudin in his office […]
The Mullah meets a friend on the street: “Oh, it’s been a long time….how are you? what are you doing?” “Oh I am fine, thank you Mullah. Now I’m working at the palace of the Sultan, as the representative of the representative of the tea maker”. “Ah, i see. And […]
One night, a thief broke into Nasrudin’s house and began putting items in a sack. Nasrudin then joined him and added a few items. The thief was so bewildered that he turned to Nasrudin and asked, “What in the world are you doing?” “Well,” Nasrudin replied, “I thought we […]