Poems And then You are by Editore S|Published 27 September 2015 And then You are, O then You are: The Beloved of every creature Revealed with such grandeur -bursting From each cell in my body, I kneel, I laugh, I weep, I sing. I sing. Hafiz
Published 29 December 2014 When You come back When you come back inside my chest, no matter how far I’ve wandered off, I look around and see the way. At […]
Published 5 January 2015 In reality In reality, time and space exist in you. You do not exist in them. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Published 2 March 2015 Your separation Your separation from God, from Love is the most hard job in this world. Hafiz
Published 14 April 2020 Thought of the Day: Tuesday 14th April Whenever we poison the moment with the worry about our life, the doubt about the intelligence of Existence, its Love, its supreme […]