Poems What must come by Editore S|Published 14 September 2019 What must come, comes. Face everything with love, as your mind dissolves in God. Lalla (Mystic Lady from Kashmir, XIV century)
Published 27 September 2015 And then You are And then You are, O then You are: The Beloved of every creature Revealed with such grandeur -bursting From each cell in […]
Published 27 September 2020 If someone hurts you “If someone hurts you, Then don’t be upset As it is the law of nature that the trees with the sweetest fruits, […]
Published 24 November 2014 Don’t ask Don’t ask what Love can make, or can do. Look at the colors of the World! Rumi
Published 30 May 2020 Thought of the Day: Saturday 30th May It is not a method that transforms you. First of all it is your intention. SB