The whole universe is sum up in the Human Being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, He is a voice inside. Look for Your Devil in Yourself, not in the Others. Don’t forget that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God. Shams Tabriz
Monthly Archives: April 2022
My servant never ceases to draw near to Me through supererogatory works until I love him. Then, when I love him, I am his hearing through which he hears, his sight through which he sees, his hand through which he grasps, and his foot through which he walks. Prophet Muhammad […]
A day of Silence Can be a pilgrimage in itself. A day of Silence Can help you listen To the Soul play Its marvelous lute and drum. Is not most talking A crazed defense of a crumbling fort? I thought we came here To surrender in Silence, To yield to […]
Fasting is a way to save on food. Vigil and prayer is a labor for old folks. Pilgrimage is an occasion for tourism. To distribute bread in alms is something for philanthropists. Fall in love: That is doing something! Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
The religion of God is Light. His Book is Light. His Messenger is Light. The abode which He has prepared for His intimate friends glows with Light. God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth; one of His name is Light. Ibn Qayyyim Al Jawziyya
Instead of resisting to changes, surrender. Let life be with you, not against you. If you think ‘My life will be upside down’ don’t worry. How do you know down is not better than upside? Shams Tabrizi
The best of your moments is that in which you are aware of your distress and thrown back upon your own helplessness…. it may be that in distress you will find benefits that you have been unable to find either in prayer or fasting. Shaykh Ibn Ata’illah Al Iskandari
Do not abandon the Invocation because you do not feel the Presence of God therein. For your forgetfulness of the Invocation of Him Is worse than your forgetfulness In the Invocation of Him. Perhaps he will take you from an Invocation With forgetfulness to one with vigilance, And from one […]
Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full. Shams Tabrizi
Sufism is about taste. Without tasting the sweetness of dhikr and knowledge, it is very difficult to continue on the Path. Sayyid Omar Abdullah
Oh how long shall we, like children in the earthly sphere fill our lap with dust and stones and shards? Let us give up the earth and fly heavenwards, Let us flee from childhood to the banquet of men. Behold how the earthly frame has entrapped thee! Rend the sack […]
Pardon those who have oppressed you, keep in contact with those who have cut you off, behave excellently towards those who have done evil to you, and say the truth even if it’s against yourself! Inscribed on the hilt of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) ’s sword
Certainly all things are hidden in their opposites – gain in loss and gift in refusal, honor in humiliation, wealth in poverty, strength in weakness, abundance in restriction, raising up in falling down, life in death, victory in defeat, power in powerlessness. Shaykh Moulay Al Arabi ad Darqawi