Real forgiveness is to forget. You for-give, and then you for-get. First you give something, then you receive something. From: “Free from Fear” (2), Webinar with Sheikh Burhanuddin
Monthly Archives: January 2021
My Master used to say: Take the long way Home. Why? Because only through difficulties, you evolve. Sheikh Burhanuddin From: “Free from Fear” (1), 24 January, 2021
You make the first real spiritual step when you stop creating difficulties for yourself and for the others. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann from : “Free from Fear” (1), 24 January 2021
What makes you advance in the spiritual path it is not the amount of practice you do. It depends on how much you want to contact yourself. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann From: ZIKR MARATHON (2), 17 January 2021
The Zikr brings you to the Zero point, if you allow it. It is a being, that invites you inside, to the Presence. Sheikh Burhanuddin Herrmann from: ‘ZIKR MARATHON’, 10 January 2021
‘La ilaha illa Llah’ is like a rope you throw in the Unseen. Existence itself will grab it, and pull you over. Sheikh Burhanuddin from the 10 days online Retreat: “From presence to Presence” 26 dec-5 Jan 2021