There is something forgotten in us, magically forgotten. Once you can see the Divine existence, you cannot understand how it could have ever been forgotten. SB
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Who are we? You are what we want to keep away from God. To give this away, the last sip, this is the Way. SB
The secret to diminish your worldly desires is to go into devotion. Devotion to your inner life, to your inner truth and to your own self responsibility. SB
If you have trust that life unfolds into its best, in its rights measures, you will see the miraculous existence we are in. SB
What you feel you need, respect, love, attention, care, consideration, it is exactly and precisely what you need to give. SB
The word zakat means ‘to purify’ and it represents the charity that all the well-off enough muslims have to give in order to purify their possessions. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam together with fasting, the sacred pilgrimage, prayer and the testimony of faith. Zakat is the […]
WHEN FIRE LOVES WATER – WEBINAR 1 – The New Series with Sheikh Burhanuddin Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 June 2020 at 12.00-15.00 p.m. (noon, Central European Time) To partecipate: 1. Send a subscription email within Thursday 4 June to: and you will receive a confirmation email with all […]
M A S T E R C O U R S E – W E B I N A R – with Sheikh Burhanuddin Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 May 2020 12.00-15.00 p.m. (noon, German time) To partecipate: 1. Send a subscription email within Thursday 7 May to: and […]
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu-Allahu wa barakatuhu My deep condolences to every one, to everything, to all Mawlana’s honored and blessed family first and to all mankind and Jinns. My condolences to every human, every creature of all the created world. My condolences to the Earth that was honored to carry […]