When you observe yourself in a neutral way, not willing to correct something, you will find a new self. SB
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Life is always right. So whatever happens is always good because it invites you to see. The only responsible is you, it is you that needs to see something in yourself. SB
The senses are the door. They are the eyes of God, through which you can see yourself, through which you are seen by the Source. SB
THE MAGIC THORN OF THE ROSE W E B I N A R with Sheikh Burhanuddin Saturday 25 April 2020 at 12.00 p.m. (noon, German time) To partecipate: 1. Send a subscription email to: 786sufiway@gmail.com and you will receive a confirmation email with all the details to participate. 2. Download the Zoom […]
Look further than your own self, you own stories, your own situation and look for what is eternal. SB
It is better to try to embrace your own imperfections than trying all the time to become perfect. This Earth is not made for perfection, it is just a training camp. SB
The now is happiness. And the small unhappy moments that may appear, you will be strong enough to face them with joy. If your intention is to be happy. SB
To control is to apply a force against something. There is another way: to give up. To surrender absolutely to what is. There, you will find glory, an indescribable beauty. SB
Whenever we poison the moment with the worry about our life, the doubt about the intelligence of Existence, its Love, its supreme Care, the deeper it will be reflected into your life. SB
In the Tradition we say that the dervish fights his own ego, only the silly one fights other’s ego. Sheikh Burhanuddin