We are charming thieves who robs the hearts and we never fail because we are the friends of the One. Rumi
Yearly Archives: 2015
“What shall I say about myself? I am like the moon. When the sun goes, the light of the moon goes. If the light of my Master leaves me, I am in darkness. I am nothing. Whoever sees me as this one or that one sees me through the Light […]
Al-Karim The Generous Exalted and Glorious So Exalted be Allah The True King. La ilaha illa Huwa, none has the right to be worshipped but He, the Lord of the Supreme Throne. (23:116) Truly his gratitude is for the good of his own self, and whoever is ungrateful, he is […]
Dogmas have always brought suffering and blindness because while the truth is possible to experience, the same cannot be said of a dogma. Consequently, you can not have faith in a dogma, one can only believe in it; this means that you get to defend it or to attack whosoever […]
A local man was proclaiming that no one could trick him. Nasrudin heard this, and said to him one day, “Just wait here for a while, and I’ll figure out how to trick you.”The man waited and waited and waited. A merchant from a cross the street noticed him, and […]
We are charming thieves who robs the hearts and we never fail because we are the friends of the One. Rumi
One day Rabia is sitting inside her hut. It is early morning, and Hasan comes to see her. And the sun is rising and the birds are singing and the trees are dancing. It is a really beautiful morning. And he calls forth from the outside, ‘Rabia, what are you […]
The love of the believers, of the saints, of the prophets, comes from the Love of God. At first, God Loves them, then His servants love them. When does this Love comes to us? When we begin to obey. When you dig, you find the water. It is the same […]
Al Jalil The Majestic, The Glorious Exalted and Glorious Blessed be the name of your Lord (Allah), the Owner of Majesty and Honor. (55:78) The Messenger of Allah, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, would say three times after completing his prayer, “I seek forgiveness of […]
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “True knowledge is achieved through experience.” That’s why there are spiritual paths that have developed techniques to make possible the inner experiences, so that the truth can become ours. The difference between a mystical journey and a purely religious one […]
The village mayor wrote a poem and read it to Nasrudin. “Did you like the poem?” he asked. “No, not really,” Nasrudin replied, “it wasn’t very good.” The mayor was enraged, and he sentenced Nasrudin to three days in jail. The next week, the mayor called Nasrudin in his office […]
There was a man in Turkey who was travelling with his favourite donkey, a faithful companion for years and an animal very close to his heart. At the end of a hard day on the road he came to an inn and decided to rest there for the night. No […]
Holy ones means who has holy light. Because night time you can’t see, day time you can see. And if you are getting in trouble or misunderstanding or you are not looking and seeing you must use your heavenly lights. When you are using heavenly lights you may understand if it is okay […]
Al-Hasib The reckoner Exalted and Glorious Whoever (of the guardians of orphans) is rich, he should take no wages, but if he is poor let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. And when you release their property to them, take witness in their presence; and Allah is […]
You cannot speak about death because it does not really exist. There is only birth. When we are born we enter the visible world, when we die we are born to the invisible world. In the passage it happens a transfer from one vibrational state to another. Who ever have the […]
The Mullah meets a friend on the street: “Oh, it’s been a long time….how are you? what are you doing?” “Oh I am fine, thank you Mullah. Now I’m working at the palace of the Sultan, as the representative of the representative of the tea maker”. “Ah, i see. And […]
A merchant was keeping a bird in a cage. Having to travel to India, the original country of the bird, he asked the bird if he wanted him to bring something back from that country. The bird asked him to get his freedom, but the merchant denied it to him. […]