As-Sami’ The All-Hearing Exalted and Glorious So Allah will suffice for you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower. (2:137) Whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change. Truly, Allah is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. (2:181) And make not Allah’s […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
It is important to look for the connection with God, because there is only Him. In prayer we open our hands upwards, inhale and receive a connection with the Superior. For a moment we become silent and allow our image to be fixed, as in a photograph; it is a flash, and then we exhale. The contact is established and the Divine will know what we are in need of. This is the easiest way to find the right direction. Prayer allows us to always be aware of where we are. It makes […]
The Mullah was beating a drum as hard as he could. The neighbors were fed up at the racket and asked him what he was doing. He replied, “Keeping wild tigers at bay.” A neighbor shouted, “But Mullah, there are no wild tigers within a thousand miles of here.” The […]
Those who don`t feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don`t drink dawn like a cup of springwater or take in sunset like supper, those who don`t want to change, let them sleep This Love is beyond the study of theology, that old trickery and hypocrisy. If […]
A man who was troubled in mind once swore that if his problems were solved, he would sell his house and give all the money gained from it to the poor.The time came when he realized that he must redeem his oath. But he did not want to give away […]
O People, we are in a life that half of it is enlighted, and the other half, not. And people who are in darkness and asking to reach real enlightening lights, and who is saving himself from the darkness of his ego, the darkness of Shaytan’s territories, they should reach […]
Al Mu’izz Al Mudhill He is the One who gives power, victory, and strength to whomever He wishes; and He takes it away from whomever He wishes. Only ask for strength from Him by acts of obedience, and in abstaining from His prohibitions. Be humble with Him, and do not […]
Islam literally means surrender to God. This is all there is to do. Becoming a zero: only a zero does not hurt. Only a zero can defeat evil. The word Islam comes from the same root as salam, “peace”. Today, however, is not with the peace that most people associate Islam. The intention […]
Walking one evening along a deserted road, Nasruddin saw a troop of horsemen rapidly approaching. His imagination started to work; he saw himself captured or robbed or killed and frightened by this thought he bolted, climbed a wall into a graveyard, and lay down in an open grave to hide. […]
A so-called dragon hunter went to the mountains to trap a dragon. He searched the mountains and finally discovered the frozen body of a great dragon in a cave high up one of the tallest peaks. The man brought the body to Baghdad. He claimed he slew the dragon single-handed […]
O people, come and try to be true ones. That is our mission, as it was main mission for prophets, to call people to be from true ones. That is the honor of Mankind, to be called “true one.” If you are not reaching to that level, to that honor, […]
Al Khafid Ar Rafi’ Al Khafid, The Abaser, Ar Rafi’, The Exalter Exalted and Glorious He is Allah, the Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the revelation by His Command to any of His slaves He wills, that He may warn of the […]
The scriptures say that God created us in His image and likeness. So why are we so imperfect? The greatest joy of the parents when they look back at the history of their children is to remember them when they were young and dependents, not autonomous and adults. The most tender period is when they learn […]
Mulla Nasruddin was fishing with his friend. “I think I should get a divorce,” his friend said. “My wife hasn’t spoken to me in three months.” “I’d think twice if I were you,” said the Mulla. “Wives like that are hard to find.”
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone`s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. Rumi
The Indian Sufi Jamali was very fond of travelling and embarked on long journeys. He was a famed poet who was even known in Herat. After visiting Mecca and Medina Jamali visited the Maghrib, the Yemen, Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Sri Lanka to see the footprint of […]
Holy ones means who has holy light. Because night time you can’t see, day time you can see. And if you are getting in trouble or misunderstanding or you are not looking and seeing you must use your heavenly lights. When you are using heavenly lights you may understand if […]
Al Khafid Ar Rafi’ Al Khafid, The Abaser, Ar Rafi’, The Exalter Exalted and Glorious He is Allah, the Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the revelation by His Command to any of His servants He wills, that He may warn of the […]
A certain man asked the famous Mulla Nasrudin, “What is the meaning of fate?” Mulla replied, “Assumptions.” “In what way?” the man asked again. Mulla looked at him and said, “You assume things are going to go well and when they do not, you call that bad luck. You assume […]