One day, King of Magadha (a state in ancient India) called upon his growing son (prince heir to the throne) and asked him to go to Ashram (a place like present days boarding school) for higher education. Prince went to the Ashram and stayed their for many years to […]
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Most masters today present the method of meditation to you. But usually they do not base it on Christianity, or Judaism or Islam, so many people think that it is a method which originated within other religions. That is however not the case. Meditation was a method which was already given to the […]
Al-Qahhar The Dominant Exalted and Glorious Are many Lords differing among themselves better, or Allah the One, Supreme, and Irresistible? (12:39) Say: “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme, the Irresistible.” (13:16) They will appear before Allah, the One, the Irresistible. (14:48) Say: […]
Let me tell you what your true mission on Earth is: to spread love. Not only this is your mission, it is also mine, it is the mission of everyone. But how can you spread love if all you do is enthrone yourself, and criticize, insult, judge, condemn everyone except yourself? How […]
Once a renowned philosopher and moralist was traveling through Nasruddin’s village when he asked him where there was a good place to eat. He suggested a place and the scholar, hungry for conversation, invited Mullah Nasruddin to join him. Much obliged, Mullah Nasruddin accompanied the scholar to a nearby restaurant, […]
Things that are Real are Given and Received in Silence. God has been everlastingly working in Silence, unobserved, unheard except by those who Experience His Infinite Silence. Meher Baba
A man went in search of a Master. He was ready to go around the world, but he was determined to find the Master, the true Master, the Perfect Master. Outside his village he met an old man, a nice fellow, sitting under a tree. He asked the old man, “Have […]
Honor does not come by means of worldly possessions. No, not at all. O our Lord, our Subhan, to be in Your Presence, to be with those who are in Your Presence – that is honor. There is no honor other than that. Not at all. To be with those […]
It is crucial that you understand one thing: we are here only to serve the King. This is our natural condition, that makes us happy. You’re here to forget yourself and to listen to the divine call. God tells you: ‘Serve and praise. If you do that, I’ll take care of […]
Nasruddin went to a Turkish bath. As he was poorly dressed the attendants treated him in a casual manner, gave him only a scrap of soap and an old towel. When he left, Nasrudin gave the two men a gold coin each. He had not complained, and they could not […]
On the path of Love we are neither masters nor the owners of our lives. We are only a brush in the hand of the Master Painter. We have no idea where we are. Rumi
Una volta Sultân Abû Yazîd Bistâmî, viaggiando con i suoi discepoli venne a trovarsi nei pressi di un villaggio lontano in cui nessuno lo conosceva. Si stava facendo buio e uno dei discepoli gli chiese: «Maestro, dove dormiremo questa notte?». Egli rispose: «Beh, vediamo, chiediamo, Dio si prenderà cura, non […]
Knowledge is like a plane and wisdom is its fuel. Without fuel planes can’t fly. Thus, there are so many scholars, but they are still waiting for fuel. They are so proud of their wings that sometimes they go around like this, like that, on the plane but not flying. […]
Al-Musawwir The Fashioner Exalted and Glorious He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and on earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (59:24) This name gives a definite […]
Can we claim that we have always been the masters of our decisions? It is difficult to state to have the full control over our outer life, because in reality it is not in our hands. The only thing we can control is how to behave inside our lives. Making a decision it is already in itself an act […]
Mulla Nasruddin went for his first appointment with the psychiatrist. Once the office door was closed, the two men sat down. “So, what brings you here, Mulla?” the psychiatrist asked. “I have been doing shady things,” Mulla said. “Dishonorable things. My conscience is bothering me.” “So you want me […]
A mystic knows without knowledge, without intuition or information, without contemplation or description or revelation. Mystics are not themselves. Attar
A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to […]
We are most in need of wisdom. Knowledge is one thing, but wisdom is something else. Wisdom comes directly from the tongue, from hearts. When it is put as writing in books, it becomes knowledge. You may use that, but more important is wisdom. The Lord may place something of […]
Al-Bari’ Exalted and Glorious So turn in repentance to your maker. (2:54) Truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him. (6:19) Verily, I have turned my face toward Him Who has created the heavens and the earth, and I am not of those who give partners […]